martes, septiembre 30, 2008

Beginning - 5 Days

"In the beginning people had nothing,
Their bodies ached and their hearts held nothing but hatred..."

Cai, perdidamente, como si en verdad fuera a suceder asi, la ilusion, la felicidad, comenza a vibrar dentro de un sueño. Algo nos unio...y creo saber que fue....

"Dr. Strangeluv"

Looking everywhere, I see nothing but people
Looking everywhere, but I see nothing but people
Where have they gone? I always thought I could never leave them
They are calling me, but they don't know I can't stay all night long

Hey, Dr Strangeluv so sad, isn't it true ?
(You left without goodbye)
Hey, Dr Strangeluv so bad, isn't it true ?
(You left without goodbye)

Looking everywhere, keep my fire going
Cold look in their eyes, cold air in their hearts
They are calling me, I always thought I could save them all
They are calling me, they don't know I can't stay all night long

Hey, Dr Strangeluv so sad, isn't it true ?
(You left without goodbye)
Hey, Dr Strangeluv so bad, isn't it true ?
(You left without goodbye)

Looking everywhere, keep my fire going

sigh....but why does it have to end like that....

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